Posts tagged picky eater
Top tips for your fussy eater

“My child is a picky eater”, “ I don’t know how to encourage my kids to eat more vegetables”, "My child only wants to eat their favourite treats."

 These are statements I hear all the time from parents.

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Pick Plates: the perfect solution for outdoor dining with your kids!

Summer is here and with it, outdoor dining and garden picnics! Garden picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with the kids and save on the mess indoors! All you’ll need for a successful garden tea or garden picnic is some reusable plastic plates (like Pick Plates) and tasty picnic food!

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I have ways to make your child eat (and enjoy) their greens!

Have you a child who’s a fussy eater? Do they refuse to eat lettuce? Do they turn their nose up or even shriek if a piece of lettuce lands on their plate?

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7 ways to make food fun for your kids!

I’m all about making food fun for kids these days because it helps fussy or picky eaters break down their fear of new foods (neophobia), it encourages children to be adventurous with their diet and it creates a whole new environment around food.

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Why is my child afraid to try new foods? Strategies to help with neophobia.

Have you got a child that’s a picky eater? They’ll will eat carrots and roast chicken but turn their nose up at broccoli and salmon? Or will eat salmon but refuse to touch potatoes? Or will only eat white bread….. Then your child may suffer from neophobia - along with 50-75% of children aged under 6 years old.

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