Posts in healthy eating for kids
How to host a healthy birthday party for your child

Have you a child's birthday party coming up? And you’re wondering how to make it a little healthier?

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Top tips for your fussy eater

“My child is a picky eater”, “ I don’t know how to encourage my kids to eat more vegetables”, "My child only wants to eat their favourite treats."

 These are statements I hear all the time from parents.

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How much protein for my child?

Are you confused about protein for your child? How much protein should your child eat? Is your child getting enough protein? These are questions I hear all the time from parents.

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5 Healthy festive recipes for the kids

Are you sitting down to watch the Late Late Toy Show this week? Or hosting a Christmas family gathering in the run up to Christmas? Or simply looking for healthier ideas for the kids this Christmas?

Here are 5 simple, healthy Christmas recipe ideas that are based on wholefoods that the kids are sure to love this festive season.

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3 easy school morning breakfasts 

So everyone is safely back to school and people all around the country and even the world are settling back into somewhat of a routine after the past few months. Here in this house, breakfast has been a bit of a non-event the last few months depending on the child.

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