Posts tagged pick plates
Pick Plates: the perfect solution for outdoor dining with your kids!

Summer is here and with it, outdoor dining and garden picnics! Garden picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with the kids and save on the mess indoors! All you’ll need for a successful garden tea or garden picnic is some reusable plastic plates (like Pick Plates) and tasty picnic food!

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Would you serve dessert at dinnertime to your kids?

Do you give your kids dessert at the same time as dinner?

Are you mad, I hear you say? Sure all they’d do is eat the dessert and leave the rest … Yes? Well, maybe not ..

I spoke to Ciara Attwell, from My Fussy Eater and creator of the fab Pick Plate (which is a best seller here) who does exactly this with her kids - serving dessert alongside the main course - on a pick plate of course!

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