Kiddies Food Kutter - safe knife for kids age 2+

Kiddies Food Kutter - safe knife for kids age 2+
The amazing Kiddies Food Kutter is a safe knife for kids. Thousands and thousands of these are sold every year to happy parents and even happier children around the world!
We use these safe knives every day in our school workshops - allowing children from age 2+ the independence to cut food THEMSELVES, safely!
It is designed for children and adults of all ages and abilities. Its stainless steel non-toxic blade promotes independence at meal time and during meal preparation.Rounded serrations protect hands and fingers from injury while giving children confidence and parents peace of mind.
The Kiddies Food Kutter is easy to learn to use and safe too:
Very safe design with rounded teeth and no sharp edges
Stainless steel non-toxic blade prevents corrosion
Teaches kids to use a sawing action to cut their food
Promotes independence and self reliance
Perfect on the dinner plate to cut meat and veggies
Easy to use, but adult supervision is required
Plastic handle is specially designed to fit small, child-sized hands
Will cut everything a normal knife will cut, except children!
Useful for preparing raw vegetables in the kitchen
Interact with Parents and Grandparents
Teaches hand eye co-ordination skills
Available in red, blue or yellow
Packaging suitable for a gift
Dishwasher safe
All this and its fun, too, because it’s the only knife the children will want to use! Children can start as young as 2 years of age with Playdough or Plasticine, and move up to real foods as they gain confidence.
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