The Cool Food School

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3 easy school morning breakfasts 

So everyone is safely back to school and people all around the country and even the world are settling back into somewhat of a routine after the past few months. Here in this house, breakfast has been a bit of a non-event the last few months depending on the child. My early riser would sort himself out with a bowl of cereal at 8am while my lazy bones 11 year old would often not bother with anything until lunchtime. And as for the teenager …. breakfast was not a meal on his itinerary anyway as he slept in until early afternoon!

But all that has changed now and we are back in the swing of a proper breakfast routine before school again. I like to change things up a bit during the week so they are not always eating the same thing and I always include some protein in the morning to keep them full until break time.

Here’s my breakfast routine for the school days ahead :

Monday oats - porridge cake, porridge, overnight oats

Tuesday eggs - scrambled, fried

Wednesday oats again

Thursday eggs again

Friday kids choice (I’ll be having granola!)

Here’s 3 simple breakfast recipes I’ll be using on school mornings, that you might like to try:


This is packed with nuts and seeds for protein


1/2 cup coconut oil - melted

1/2 cup maple syrup or honey

3 cups oats

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup mixed nuts and seeds

1 tbsp. dessicated coconut

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup dried fruit (raisins, chopped dates, apricots etc)


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Roughly chop your nuts.

Add your oats to a large bowl. Add the melted coconut oil and maple syrup/honey. Mix well so all the oats are coated in liquid. 

Add the cinnamon and nuts and seeds. Mix well.

Line a baking tray with paper and tip the mixture onto the tray.

Spread it evenly all over the tray and press down.

Pop into the oven for 20 minutes

Remove and allow cool. Press into the tray again to form clumps.

Add the dried fruit, coconut and chocolate chips once cooled

2 ingredient pancakes

Protein from the egg will keep the kids going until little break. This is so easy, they can make it themselves!


1 egg

1 banana

Creme fraiche and fresh fruit to serve


Mash the banana

Whisk the egg

Mix both together and fry on a heated, oiled pan, flipping after approx. 

1 minute.

Serve with creme fraiche and fresh berries

Porridge cake

This recipe includes eggs and chia seeds, both sources of protein. Topping it with nuts and more seeds will help bolster the protein! I prep this the night before and pop it in the oven while the kids are getting dressed so it’s ready to eat warm from the oven! It’s also great in lunch boxes or after school.


3 cups porridge oats

2 bananas

2 eggs

2 cups milk approx

tbsp chia seeds

1 cup frozen raspberries/other berries tsp vanilla extract

Optional extras : tbsp desiccated coconut, tbsp nuts of choice, tbsp sunflower seeds, handful choc chips handful cacao nibs


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees

Slice banana with you kiddies food kutter if using and line the bottom of your oven proof dish with slices In a bowl, mix the egg, milk and vanilla.

In another bowl, add the porridge oats and the chia seeds.

Mix the wet and dry ingredients together. Pour over the banana.

Top with frozen berries, chocolate chips, coconut or anything else.

Bake for approx 40 minutes at 180degrees

Serve warm with creme fraiche or yoghurt (we love Glenisk) and some flaked almonds, berries, or seeds.

Which would you choose?