The 4 best child-safe knives for toddlers

The 4 best child-safe knives for toddlers

You want your toddler to help in the kitchen? And they want to help in the kitchen but you’re not sure - so much danger and mess? They want to cut but you’re terrified of the sharp knives hanging around your kitchen? So you’re using a blunt butter or plastic knife but they cut NOTHING. Everyone is getting frustrated!

STOP right there - you just need some better equipment to get your toddler set up for helping in the kitchen. And don’t forget - getting your child cooking is great for fussy eaters!

Here are the 4 best child safe knives that we know of that you can use with your toddler in the kitchen:. These are knives that will cut food but not fingers!

  1. Kiddies food kutter

    We love the kiddies food kutter and have been using these with toddlers in our fun, interactive workshops in preschools for years. We also use them all the time at home.

    They are suitable for kids from 2+ and are the ultimate toddler learning knife. They have a stainless steel non-toxic blade which promotes independence at meal time and during meal preparation.

    Rounded serrations protect hands and fingers from injury while giving children confidence and parents peace of mind. They come in lots of bright colours and cut anything from a pumpkin to a banana!

    Start your toddler with soft foods like banana or mushrooms until they have more strength to cut some of the harder foods like carrots and potatoes.

    These toddler safe knives are great in early childhood education like montessoris, preschools, nurseries and kindergardens. These are the best kids food cutters around!

    Watch the kiddies food kutter in action below!

2. The Kunh Rikon Dog knife - these children’s kitchen knives are uber-cute and come in 2 varieties and a number of different styles.

One style kids knife is straight while the other, like the kiddies food kutter, has a serrated edge. They are suitable for children from age 3+ and have been extensively trialled with children.

Check them out here

3. The Trakniv wooden knife from Skagfa is a unique and beautiful cutting tool for little ones. This knife is suitable for children from the age of 1+ under adult supervision and for children from 3+ independently.

It is designed and made in Spain and is an essential tool in your kitchen if you want to start your kids cooking very young!

Check it out here

3. The Opinel kids knife “Le Petit Chef” is a super knife to have in your kitchen. It has a rounded off and strong blade which is perfect to cut and slice thinly. The educational ring helps to position little fingers securely and helps to prevent the hand from sliding on the blade.

 This knife is recommended for slightly older children but a great one to have in the tool kit all the same!

Check it out here