10 easy, fun kitchen activities for bored kids

Are your kids at home and it’s raining outside?

Or it’ the summer holidays and you have months to fill with not very much money? Or are you going out of your mind trying to occupy them at any time of the year , keep them off screens and stop the fighting?

Here’s some very simple fun kitchen activities you can do with kids from age 2+, using whatever you already have (so no need to even leave the house!)

10 easy, fun kitchen activities for bored kids

  1. clean out a food cupboard. I know this may sound boring but get the kids involved. Look at all the food (cans, packs, dry foods etc.). Check for use by dates. Find the oldest. Group them in categories

  2. Take everything out of the fridge. Try tasting different sauces , mayonnaise etc. Again, check the dates.

  3. If you have different shaped pasta - try cooking a selection. Does spaghetti taste different to penne. Do they smell different? How many penne are in a packet (hours of fun 😂)

  4. Get the spuds out and any art supplies you might have. Matchsticks, glitter, stick in eyes, paint etc. and make some potato people

  5. Cook of course! Try something new you’ve never cooked before. With Older kids, do a ‘come dine with me’ style competition- one child planning and making starter, one on main and one on dessert. Pick a winner (or not!) at the end.

  6. Take some frozen peas out and have fun doing pea races! Build an obstacle course with bits of Lego , train sets etc. and using a straw, blow the peas around the course.

  7. Make a rainbow out of food. Gather all the fruit and veg in the house and get the kids to prepare it and make pictures or simply, create a rainbow! You’ll need a safe knife and peeler for this.

  8. Try planting some seeds and watch them grow. Simple things to grow indoors include mustard, cress and lettuces.

  9. Blind tasting! Get some different foods out of the cupboard and fridge, blindfold the children and see if they can guess what they are tasting!

  10. Foods of the world. Pick a country and research different foods of that country - watch you tube videos and then pick something to make. Research the origin of the ingredients - spices are especially interesting!

    You never have to be bored in the kitchen!